Editor’s note. The following was sent out this morning by the Virginia Society for Human Life, NRLC’s state affiliate.
Dear Friends,
After the dust has settled from Election Day 2015, there is good news in the Commonwealth for unborn babies and their mothers. Pro-lifers still solidly control the House of Delegates. And in spite of the influx of millions of dollars from outside groups, the Senate remains controlled 21-19 by pro-life Republicans.
Pro-life voters have helped to send a very clear message to pro-abortion Governor Terry McAuliffe. Virginians do not approve of his attempts to override the Virginia General Assembly’s pro-life initiatives, such as sensible clinic regulations and an ultrasound law.
New, strongly pro-life members, along with many familiar, stalwart pro-lifers, were elected and re-elected across Virginia. The Virginia Society for Human Life (VSHL) is looking forward to working with them to pass new pro-life laws.
Several races saw pro-life candidates vigorously attacked for their pro-life positions. In fact in one of the most competitive races in Northern Virginia, Sen. Dick Black, was targeted by national pro-abortion forces, including Planned Parenthood. (Of course the media attacked Sen. Black as well.)
But Sen. Black trounced his opponent, Jill McCabe , a pro-abortion doctor and staunch abortion advocate, to win a second term in the Virginia Senate.
Other new members of the Virginia Senate, include Senators-elect Siobahn Stolle Dunnavant (12th), Glen Sturtevant (10th), and David Sutterlien (9th). Each is solidly pro-life and won support from pro-life voters for their clear positions. Sen.-elect Dunnavant is a well respected pro-life ob-gyn in the Richmond community.
Congratulations to all of them and the other pro-life winners in yesterday’s races.
VSHL is hopeful that the pro-life tenor of the elections will encourage the members of the General Assembly to take hold of this opportunity and work even harder to get new, protective pro-life legislation passed. Even in the face of opposition from a pro-abortion governor, clearly the voters of Virginia are trying to send a message to him. Passing laws like the Virginia Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act will save babies’ lives after they can feel pain at 20 weeks!
VSHL also wants to send a big thank you to every pro-life voter who took a few minutes to get out and vote yesterday. The voters do make the difference!
Chelsea Garcia is a political writer with a special interest in international relations and social issues. Events surrounding the war in Ukraine and the war in Israel are a major focus for political journalists. But as a former local reporter, she is also interested in national politics.
Chelsea Garcia studied media, communication and political science in Texas, USA, and learned the journalistic trade during an internship at a daily newspaper. In addition to her political writing, she is pursuing a master's degree in multimedia and writing at Texas.