My initial reaction was that if the Democrats were to lose Glenn Kessler, the Washington Post’s Fact Checker and the party’s primary defender of pro-abortion policies, regardless of external circumstances, it would be reasonable to conclude that the political landscape was becoming increasingly challenging.
It is evident that the aforementioned column, “Biden loves to retell certain stories,” was published yesterday. The assertion that some of the claims are not credible does not signify the end of the honeymoon period. It is perhaps more realistic to suggest that a trial separation is the most that can be hoped for.
The headline is akin to attempting to apply lipstick to a pig. It is suggested that our grandfatherly president may not be aware that he is repeating untruths and making false statements, but certainly not intentionally lying. Moreover, what harm can be done by repeating certain stories, with the implication that the number is small and that the stories are no worse than trivial lies?
Kessler notes that Biden’s penchant for bending the truth was most famously demonstrated during his first presidential campaign in the 1988 election cycle. Kessler provides a link to a story he wrote, but unless the reader clicks on it, they will remain unaware of its existence.
Biden’s first run for the presidency more than three decades ago exploded in a controversy over plagiarism. Without credit, Biden’s stump speech included lines lifted from a speech given by Neil Kinnock, then leader of the British Labour Party. …
Biden tried to hang on, but then reporters discovered he had flunked a class in a law school for submitting a paper that borrowed heavily from another law review article without proper citation. The coup de grace came when Newsweek reported that Biden had made false or exaggerated claims about his law school record during a discussion months earlier with voters in New Hampshire, which had been captured by C-SPAN.
We return to the subject of yesterday’s column. As president, Biden has perpetuated a tradition of embellishing his personal narratives in a manner that cannot be corroborated or directly contradicted by contemporary accounts.
The term “embellishing” is employed here. Kessler presents five examples of what he considers to be Biden’s embellished accounts. These accounts are said to include the president’s tendency to exaggerate his own role in events, the debunking of these accounts, and the portrayal of the president as a hero who has taken heroic action at the expense of real heroes.
The establishment media, of which Kessler is undoubtedly a member, is complicit in this conspiracy. In the period following the inauguration of Joe Biden, Scott Whitlock of Newsbusters observed that
The Washington Post, which infamously added “democracy dies in darkness” to its front page once Donald Trump took office, has now apparently decided that everything is just fine. As noted by The Washington Times, the liberal Post is ending its presidential database of fact checks. …
Fact checker Glenn Kessler on Tuesday tweeted a link to the Biden database, saying, “Here’s the Biden database — which we do not plan to extend beyond 100 days. I have learned my lesson.”
What is the intended lesson? It is obligatory to speak the truth only when the President is a Republican. In the event that the aforementioned column fails to address the gravity of President Biden’s cavalier treatment of the truth, it is incumbent upon the author to do so.
In a recent development, Fox News contributor Joe Concha made a remark in which he stated that the entire Washington Post Fact Checker Staff had collectively authored a book titled “Donald Trump and His Assault on Truth: The President’s Falsehoods, Misleading Claims and Flat-Out Lies.”
It would be interesting to know whether a similar book on President Biden is forthcoming.
Chelsea Garcia is a political writer with a special interest in international relations and social issues. Events surrounding the war in Ukraine and the war in Israel are a major focus for political journalists. But as a former local reporter, she is also interested in national politics.
Chelsea Garcia studied media, communication and political science in Texas, USA, and learned the journalistic trade during an internship at a daily newspaper. In addition to her political writing, she is pursuing a master's degree in multimedia and writing at Texas.