A very vocal 18 month old boy name Oliver stole the show Wednesday as he cooed and sometimes cried his way through the two-hour hearing before the Senate Medical Affairs Subcommittee taking testimony on passage of a bill to require abortionists to give women information about how to reverse the abortion pill if the mom changes her mind.
Oliver’s mother, Manuela Timenez, gave powerful testimony before the five-member subcommittee about her regret immediately after taking the first of two pills (mifepristone) that will induce an abortion. Ms. Timenez said she called Planned Parenthood and asked how to stop the abortion but was told it’s not possible. She went online and searched for information on Abortion Pill Reversal and was referred immediately to Crossroads Pregnancy Center in Greenwood where she got immediate medical help to save her precious Oliver.
The subcommittee gave the bill favorable approval, advancing it to the next step for passing the Senate this year. Voting in favor of
S 907 were Subcommittee Chairman Senator Tom Corbin, R-Greenville, Senator Billy Garrett, R-Greenwood, and Senator Richard Cash, R-Anderson. Senator Marlon Kimpson, D-Charleston, and Senator Margie Bright-Matthews, D-Clarendon both opposed the bill.
Ms. Timenez urged the Senators to pass S 907, the Abortion Pill Reversal Bill, so that the abortion industry by law must give women information about how to reverse the procedure when they take the first pill. Senator Garrett, R-Greenwood, commended Ms. Timenez for her testimony. “Thank you for your courage,” he said. “God created that baby for you.”
The usual parade of pro-aborts testified against the bill claiming there is no evidence that the abortion pill reversal protocol works or is safe. But they could not counter the testimony of doctors who say they have helped numerous women reverse the abortion pill.
Of particular scientific interest was the testimony of Sally Zaleski, a Certified FertilityCare™ Practitioner of the Creighton Model. She is a member of the American Academy of FertilityCare Professionals. She told the subcommittee members that administering dosages of progesterone in pregnancy “has been in use for nearly 60 years” to prevent miscarriages.
Mrs. Zaleski urged the subcommittee members to pass S 907 “which will provide women who don’t fully understand all of their options with a better level of healthcare through informed consent.”
South Carolina Citizens for Life presented more than two dozen statements of organizations and individuals in favor of the bill including Palmetto Family, South Carolina Baptist Convention, South Carolina Association of Pregnancy Care Centers, and the Catholic Diocese of Charleston.
Wednesday’s Senate Medical Affairs Subcommittee hearing witnessed an unexpected star: an 18-month-old boy named Oliver, whose vocal expressions stole the spotlight as his mother, Manuela Timenez, delivered powerful testimony. The subject of the hearing? A bill requiring abortion providers to inform women about the possibility of reversing the abortion pill procedure if they have a change of heart.
Ms. Timenez recounted her own experience, sharing her regret upon taking the first abortion pill and her subsequent efforts to seek help when she realized she wanted to save her unborn child. Despite being initially told by Planned Parenthood that reversal wasn’t an option, she found assistance through Crossroads Pregnancy Center in Greenwood, where she received immediate medical intervention that ultimately saved her son, Oliver.
Following Ms. Timenez’s poignant testimony, the subcommittee, comprising Senators Tom Corbin, Billy Garrett, and Richard Cash, voted in favor of the bill (S 907), advancing it for further consideration in the Senate. Senators Marlon Kimpson and Margie Bright-Matthews opposed the bill, but Ms. Timenez’s impassioned plea resonated with many, urging lawmakers to ensure that women are fully informed about their options regarding abortion procedures.
Senator Garrett commended Ms. Timenez for her bravery, acknowledging the profound significance of her testimony and emphasizing the sanctity of life. He emphasized that every child, like Oliver, is a precious gift from a higher power.
Despite opposition from pro-abortion advocates who questioned the efficacy and safety of abortion reversal protocols, testimonies from doctors and experts provided compelling evidence to the contrary. Notably, Sally Zaleski, a Certified FertilityCare™ Practitioner, highlighted the long-standing use of progesterone in preventing miscarriages, underscoring the scientific basis for abortion pill reversal.
South Carolina Citizens for Life presented a plethora of statements from organizations and individuals in support of the bill, including prominent voices such as Palmetto Family, the South Carolina Baptist Convention, and the Catholic Diocese of Charleston. These endorsements underscored the broad-based support for measures aimed at ensuring informed consent and providing women with comprehensive healthcare options.
In conclusion, Oliver’s presence at the hearing served as a poignant reminder of the stakes involved in debates over abortion policy. His story, along with Ms. Timenez’s testimony and the overwhelming support for the bill, highlights the importance of empowering women with knowledge and choices when facing difficult decisions regarding pregnancy. As the bill progresses through the legislative process, it carries with it the hopes of many for a future where every life is valued and protected.
Chelsea Garcia is a political writer with a special interest in international relations and social issues. Events surrounding the war in Ukraine and the war in Israel are a major focus for political journalists. But as a former local reporter, she is also interested in national politics.
Chelsea Garcia studied media, communication and political science in Texas, USA, and learned the journalistic trade during an internship at a daily newspaper. In addition to her political writing, she is pursuing a master's degree in multimedia and writing at Texas.