As the end of 2017 approaches, a final opportunity to advance the cause of unborn babies

By Dave Andrusko

I hurriedly wrapped up work for the year by staying extra-late Thursday evening. Earlier in the day, I learned that my wife and I are taking Emma, our precocious 7-year-old granddaughter, to Christmas Town in Williamsburg, Va., Friday afternoon.

It’s been many years since Lisa and I visited what is described as “The world’s most beautiful theme park, aglow with over 8 million Christmas lights, making it the largest Christmas light display in North America.” The organizers conclude their warm welcome by assuring us, “Most of all, enjoy this most wonderful time of year with friends and family.”

Because I do what I do—labor along with you against almost impossible odds to protect defenseless unborn children—I couldn’t help but think of a comparison.

The over 8 million lights corresponds to the over 8 million unborn children who’d already lost their lives by 1980—just seven years after Harry Blackmun unleashed Roe v. Wade on an unsuspecting public.

Unlike the Christmas lights in Williamsburg, which shine so bright, the inner lights of over 60 million babies have been extinguished. But as we approach the new year, there is both a consolation and much reason for optimism.

Never, ever forget the numbers of innocent babies lost would have been so much higher had it not been for you and your National Right to Life. That is no small miracle.

And, thanks to you, for the first time since Barack Obama won his first presidential election, we have a man in the Oval Office dedicated to nominating women and men of impeccable intellectual and judicial skills who understand the difference between interpreting the Constitution and ramshackling it.

Before you begin preparations for New Year’s Eve, would you please consider contributing to the life-saving work of the National Right to Life Educational Foundation?

You will not do it for the tax deduction for 2017 that you will receive. You will contribute because you believe in National Right to Life’s ability, its competence, and its nearly 50 year history of advancing the cause of unborn children against the Planned Parenthoods and NARALs of this world.

Won’t you help us make it possible for all unborn babies to someday celebrate Christmas and welcome in the new year?

Thank you very much!