One would be hard-pressed to find moral clarity in someone who espouses the belief that working in an abortion clinic is the epitome of female bonding. Amy Beeman is a case in point.
The title of her Salon piece, “Working at an abortion clinic challenged my pro-choice views — and confirmed them,” is representative of the genre. The image of the tiny arms and legs “floating in the glass baking pan” may have initially been startling, although there is no indication that Beeman experienced the normal human response of being grossed out.
She states, “The sucking noises during the aspiration sounded much like when they suck your spit at the dentist.” The furthest she can go is, “It was all so heavy.”
However, as time went by, Beeman came to recognize that these “recognizable” appendages were merely “P.O.C.” (Products of Conception). She was instructed by her “trainer” to conclude that the experience was one of pain and misery, and that the abortionist was a “be quiet” abortionist (also known as “our gentle and warm doctor”).
The experience taught me that grace can be found in unexpected places. It demonstrated the existence of a profound and unifying thread that connects us all.
It is important to note that this discourse does not address the children directly, but rather the women who have undergone abortions and the counselors who have provided them with guidance.
The most pivotal point in the text is located near the conclusion. It effectively dismisses any individuals who might object to the aforementioned narrative and simultaneously celebrates the autonomy of women.
The topic of abortion is fraught with negative sentiment, and in a sense, abortion is the removal of a life that has yet to have the opportunity to thrive. It is important to note that no one is claiming that abortion is pleasant. There is no clear-cut, black-and-white approach to abortion. Rather, it is a complex and multifaceted issue.
For those who support a woman’s right to choose, the woman’s life is of paramount importance, and the embryo or fetus is secondary. This is the fundamental principle that guides our perspective on this issue. We place value on a woman’s ability to know what is best for her. It is our contention that this should be a safe and legal option. When I commenced my duties at the clinic, I observed only the individual moment of pain. However, over the years, I began to perceive a much richer portrait: women emerging from the procedure, relieved, even if it was simply a relief to have it behind them. They could resume their lives.
The issue of abortion is not a simple dichotomy of black and white. Rather, the fundamental question is whether the woman’s life takes precedence over the embryo or fetus. This is the core issue that must be addressed. The ability of a woman to make informed decisions about her own body is of paramount importance.
While pain is a valid concern, it is a relatively minor issue compared to the potential consequences of an abortion. The goal is to ensure that women emerge from the experience with minimal physical discomfort and a clear understanding of their options. This enables them to move forward with their lives in a positive manner.
For Beeman, initially working in an abortion clinic was preferable to being an unemployed recently graduated college student. In one of the many unintentionally revealing remarks, she adds, “It was a grown-up job.” To the people who ran this small, family-run abortion clinic, her lack of medical experience was inconsequential; they would teach her the necessary skills on the job.
What did Beeman have to offer? Beeman had previously worked in hospitality as a waitress, and she informed me that my people skills would be one of the most important assets I would bring to the job. Furthermore, I agreed with the mission of the organization and identified as a feminist. However, I truly thrived when I transitioned from an operating room assistant to a counselor. From holding hands to explaining the procedure and philosophizing about its meaning, I found my niche.
The perfunctory question she rhetorically poses along the way is, “Would her feminist, pro-abortion views be altered if she were to see every side of the complicated and profound process?” She responds, “Not a chance. I came out more pro-choice than ever.”
In fact, the same woman who wrote of “the loneliness of those little arms and legs” and “that girl, so clearly suffering during the procedure” would “start to see it from a purely biological standpoint.” The procedure was undertaken to remove an unwanted growth in order to preserve the woman’s chosen course of action. The initial description of the growth as “arms and legs” was subsequently transformed into a metaphorical representation of “products of conception” and finally, an “unwanted growth.” This represents a complete reversal of the moral trajectory of Amy Beeman.
Daniel Miller is responsible for nearly all of National Right to Life News' political writing.
With the election of Donald Trump to the U.S. presidency, Daniel Miller developed a deep obsession with U.S. politics that has never let go of the political scientist. Whether it's the election of Joe Biden, the midterm elections in Congress, the abortion rights debate in the Supreme Court or the mudslinging in the primaries - Daniel Miller is happy to stay up late for you.
Daniel was born and raised in New York. After living in China, working for a news agency and another stint at a major news network, he now lives in Arizona with his two daughters.