When a story about a crisis pregnancy center begins on a high note, you might be tempted to breathe a sigh of relief: no hit job. But, if where the story runs is NPR, you know what they giveth with one pinky, they’ll taketh back with a mailed fist. (Of course, the headline kind of spills the beans–“States Fund Pregnancy Centers That Discourage Abortion”—but more about that in a second.)
NPR’s Jennifer Ludden begins by painting a very encouraging story built around a young woman who came to a CPC when she thought she was pregnant:
She walked into PDHC [Pregnancy Decision Health Center] feeling ashamed of “my dirty little secret.” But when the test came back positive, she says she felt a rush of relief when the women at the center were happy for her.
“I remember Rita, one of the nurses, came in and she was like, ‘Oh, congratulations, Mommy-to-be!’ And I just got on my knees and started bawling,” she says. “And for some reason at that point it felt like maybe this wasn’t just about me, maybe there’s another person that I need to think about.”
The counselors at PDHC helped her to tell her parents and assisted her to arrange for an adoption. “She says she can’t know for sure whether she would have gone ahead with an abortion had she gone to Planned Parenthood,” Ludden explains, “but ‘I never, ever regret the decision I made.’”
But, having told this “happy story,” Ludden goes into overdrive to make up for lost ground. All the recyclable arguments NARAL has tossed out in state after state are resurrected. Since we’ve rebutted them all innumerable times before, just two quick points.
To be fair, Ludden ends by explaining that (the best efforts of NARAL and its allies to the contrary notwithstanding) most of the local laws passed that treat CPCs with one standard and abortion clinics with another have gone down in flames.
An exception is a woman-helping center in San Francisco. If you read the opinion, the federal judge self-evidently came to the case with a decision preordained. Her decision made so little sense you could have read it right to left instead of left to right and have known just as much—or, in this case, just a little.
The other point is that bone in the throat for the Abortion Industry which is the beneficiary of hundreds of millions of public and private dollars: that some states provide some monies for CPCs or sell “Choose Life” specialty license plates and give CPCs a small share of the proceeds.
How can this be! NARAL et al. thunder. CPCs oughtn’t to get a penny when they (and then the list of phony baloney allegations).
When it comes to talking to women in crisis pregnancies, the Abortion Industry wants a monopoly. And like all monopoly wannabes, they’ll do anything to crush the competition.
Chelsea Garcia is a political writer with a special interest in international relations and social issues. Events surrounding the war in Ukraine and the war in Israel are a major focus for political journalists. But as a former local reporter, she is also interested in national politics.
Chelsea Garcia studied media, communication and political science in Texas, USA, and learned the journalistic trade during an internship at a daily newspaper. In addition to her political writing, she is pursuing a master's degree in multimedia and writing at Texas.