It’s important to remember that the “new” film about abortionist/murderer Kermit Gosnell depends on the husband-and-wife filmmaking team of Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinney raising enough money.
As we’ve discussed in previous posts, after a row with the crowdfunded site Kickstarter, the team moved the fund-raising to Indiegogo at
The good news is that they’ve now gone over the $1 million mark! Their goal is $2.1 million.
We’ve written about the double standard Kickstarter used in an attempt to manage the message McAleer and McElhinney were attempting to convey to potential donors. We’ve discussed the mainstream media’s quarter-hearted coverage of the Gosnell murder trial and its virtually complete blackout of the shocking documentary about Gosnell’s Women’s Medical Society abortion clinic that was located at 3801 Lancaster [the name for the 21 minute film]. And we can expect the same response to “3801 Lancaster, Part II [scheduled for release next month], written and directed by David Altrogge.
But we should not get bogged down in the obstacles these brave filmmakers have and are and will face. There is much good news: none gave it to despair or frustration. They pushed ahead.
We live in a different communications world. The Established Media will do their best to ignore the massive evidence about what happened at the Women’s Medical Society in west Philadelphia, or attempt to discredit it, if they feel the pressure.
Hats off to Phelim McAleer, Ann McElhinney, and David Altrogge.
Chelsea Garcia is a political writer with a special interest in international relations and social issues. Events surrounding the war in Ukraine and the war in Israel are a major focus for political journalists. But as a former local reporter, she is also interested in national politics.
Chelsea Garcia studied media, communication and political science in Texas, USA, and learned the journalistic trade during an internship at a daily newspaper. In addition to her political writing, she is pursuing a master's degree in multimedia and writing at Texas.