Pennsylvania Students Are Passionate about Defending the Right to Life
Last month felt like celebrating Christmas again here at the office.
Every morning, a new brown paper package or thick envelope arrived at my desk. More surprises waited for me in my email inbox. Soon I had a big stack of these, and I could hardly wait to open them!
These delightful packages and emails contained students’ essays for our Pro-Life Essay Contest. We received hundreds of submissions from students all across the state.
As I read them, I felt warmed by the fact that so many students are carrying on the mission to protect the right to life at all stages.
I was intrigued by the personal stories that the students shared–the joy of seeing a new sibling on an ultrasound screen, the heartbreak of hearing about a friend’s secret abortion, or the infuriating suggestion of euthanizing a grandparent.
Most of all, I felt encouraged by their wisdom about the value of human life. Let me share some of their thoughts with you:
“Life cannot be measured with days and months. Life is Life. When it begins, it begins at conception.” – Adriana
“I believe women are strong. Women are strong to give birth and strong enough to live with rejection. I don’t, however, think women are strong enough to live with the fact that they couldn’t be strong enough to do what their mothers did for them – give the gift of life.” – Olivia
“The idea that we do not know or cannot fully understand what is in a pregnant mother’s womb is ludicrous. Science supports the fact that the unborn baby is human and thus deserving of legal protection.” – Holden
“Someone that is pro-abortion would say that a fetus is not really a baby but is instead just a cluster of cells or a blob of tissue. … are we not then just larger clusters of cells or bigger blobs of tissue?” – Anthony
Later this spring, we will announce the winners of our student Pro-Life Essay and Oratory Contests. Please keep watching to find out who these talented students are.
Chelsea Garcia is a political writer with a special interest in international relations and social issues. Events surrounding the war in Ukraine and the war in Israel are a major focus for political journalists. But as a former local reporter, she is also interested in national politics.
Chelsea Garcia studied media, communication and political science in Texas, USA, and learned the journalistic trade during an internship at a daily newspaper. In addition to her political writing, she is pursuing a master's degree in multimedia and writing at Texas.