A fast-paced video about NRLC’s annual convention

By Jacki Ragan, NRLC Convention Director

In both the January issue of National Right to Life News and last week in NRL News Today, I wrote about “After you attend your local, state, or national pro-life rally, go out and make a difference!”

I have confidence you are taking that advice, spurred on by the huge March for Life, a busy and productive House of Representatives, and the outstanding speech delivered by President Trump.

But even though it is only January, it is not too early to begin planning for another way you can make a difference—by attending the pro-life educational event of the year, the annual National Right to Life three-day convention.

Click here to see a fast-faced 40 second video talking about the NRLC Convention which will be held in Overland Park, Kansas, June 28, 29 and 30.

After you watch it, please share the video widely on social media to help promote the convention! And, of course, for information about the convention, the convention hotel, or to register, please visit nrlconvention.com.

Thank you so much. Before you know it, it’ll be June!