The Guardian Newspaper and Censorship

Editor’s note. The following was posted prior to the debate in Parliament on a proposal to ease abortion providers out of the business of “counseling” the very same women whose abortions they would profit from. The amendment by MP Nadine Dorries failed (referred to in the post as Dorries/Field). But the issues raised by Peter Saunders—and especially information not available to most Brits, let alone Americans- is very much worth reading.

Peter Saunders

The Guardian tonight has posted an article titled ‘Anti-abortion bid in disarray as critics rally’.

I tried to post the following comment but have learnt that my comments on the Guardian are now (for the very first time) ‘pre-moderated’. Most interesting!

I wonder if they will post it and when. I have never had a comment on the Guardian pre-moderated before and many other comments by others have been posted without moderation.

The article actually mentions me by name. Clearly they now want to censor responses. How liberal of them!


My comment

“The above article creates the impression that Dorries/Field, by trying to ensure that women get an offer of counseling independent from the publicly-funded abortion industry, would be forcing them out of the ‘market’. The reality is that they already have an unassailable stranglehold on it.

“In 1991 the NHS [National Health Service] funded 9,197 abortions carried out by the private sector in England and Wales. By 2010 that figure had risen to 111,775- an increase of over 1100%. In 1991 the NHS funded 10% of abortions carried out by the private sector. By 2010 that figure had risen to 93% - a total of over £60 million of taxpayers money was paid out. The growth of NHS-funded but privately-provided abortions (British Pregnancy Advisory Service/ Marie Stopes, etc) entirely accounted for this increase.

“In addition every accredited pregnancy advice bureau is already linked to this industry and advised by the RCOG [Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists] whose members carry out most abortions.

“This sort of monopoly would not be tolerated in any other ‘service’ area but it is precisely this status quo that Cameron under the influence of Clegg/Harris/Unions [various pro-abortion British politicians] has sought to cement to the cheers of the Guardian and the criticism of the Telegraph.”

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