Post-Abortive teen whose boyfriend commanded “get rid of it!” wishes someone had given her advice

By Sarah Terzo

From Lisa, a teen who had an abortion and was interviewed:

“Q: So did anyone give you any advice, did anyone say, “You should do this” or…?

L: Well, no, I wish they had done! I wish they’d said! The only person that was giving me advice was [the boyfriend] “Get rid of it!” “Get rid of it!”

Sharon Tabberer, Christine Hall, Shirley Prendergast, and Andrew Webster Teenage Pregnancy and Choice: Abortion or Motherhood: Influences on the Decision (York, UK: Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2000) pp. 25 – 26.

Editor’s note. This appeared at Clinic Quotes and reposted with permission. Sarah Terzo is offering a short, free pro-life eBook that exposes the pro-choice movement. Click here to get it.