Abortions at 2 Months

By Sarah Terzo

This is a picture of a 7-week-old unborn baby, at just under 2 months

And here is a picture of an unborn baby who is 2 months old

If you are woman considering abortion, and you came to this page wanting to find out more, please read the short little message that my friend Jewels Green wrote just for you. 

Jewels Green worked in an abortion clinic. Her clinic only provided 1st trimester abortions. She held women’s hands, watched women cry as they had their abortions. And in the backroom, she handled the broken pieces of the babies, holding the aborted babies’ feet up to a little chart to verify how far along the pregnancies were for the clinic’s paperwork. Even in the 1st trimester, many of the babies were fully formed..

Jewels Green also had an abortion herself. She deeply regrets it. Her abortion led to a suicide attempt and many, many years of emotional pain. She has experienced abortion both as a provider and as a patient.

When I spoke to her about this page, I asked her what she would want to say to someone considering an abortion. She sent me the following:

Dear Mom,

You’re thinking abortion is the right thing to do. Abortion is the best–and only–solution for you right now. How can you afford a child? What will your parents say? What about school? What about your boyfriend or husband?

Please take your time to think this through. “I have thought this through,” you say. “This is the only way,” you say. “This just isn’t the right time in my life for a baby,” you say.

Give me a chance, I say.

This isn’t the right time for me to die, I say.




Read Jewel’s Green’s testimony here.

Here is an excerpt:

“Working in the autoclave room was never, ever easy. I saw my lost child in every jar of aborted baby parts. One night after working autoclave my nightmares about dead babies were so gruesome and terrifying and intense I met with the clinic’s director to talk about my feelings. She was very understanding, open and honest, and painfully forthright when she told me, “What we do here is end a life. Pure and simple. There is no disputing this fact.”

Thinking of having an abortion? Want to talk to someone? If you are considering abortion, and in the US, call this number 1800 550 4900

if you can’t get through, try 888 713 3735. or go here

For a directory of pregnancy centers that can help you, worldwide, go here.

Birthright is another excellent organization that helps women considering abortion. They have centers mostly in English speaking countries. They are not affiliated with any religion. I called them once. When I told them I was pro-life, they made a point to tell me they were “not political” They will not try to sway your decision.

Write to me: [email protected]

Editor’s note. This appeared at Clinic Quotes and is reposted with permission.