Rhode Island Pro-Life State Legislative Alerts

Even if you have emailed your state Senator in response to previous action alerts, please do so once again right now.

They are lying to you. Under false pretenses, some local media outlets have joined abortion extremists and unscrupulous politicians to push a New York-style abortion expansion bill here in Rhode Island.

  • They falsely claim it is needed to keep abortion legal. But the uncontested fact, admitted even by Planned Parenthood, is that regulation and availability of abortion in Rhode Island does not automatically change even if Roe v Wade is someday overturned.
  • They falsely claim it maintains the status quo. But expert legal analysis verifies it goes way beyond, and would make Rhode Island a haven for virtually unregulated abortions, even late-term abortions.
  • They falsely claim it has broad support. But three separate polls have found the majority of Rhode Islanders do not support their extreme abortion agenda.

But they are now making are making a very aggressive final push. Even if you have emailed your state Senator in response to previous action alerts, please do so once again right now.

Please also call Senate Leadership this coming week (Senate President 401.222.6655, Majority Leader 401.222.3310) to tell them also to stand fast against the lies, intimidation, and harassment by abortion extremists.

Lastly, please share this action alert and linked resources widely. An English and Spanish version of this Alert can be downloaded and printed for distribution in your church this weekend. Please also consider joining us at the State House every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from 3:30 to 5:00 pm through the end of June. To stay thoroughly up-to-date, you may like us on Facebook.

We need your help! Please send your email today.