Take Action On SB179: Decriminalizing Do It Yourself Abortions in Nevada

This is an urgent alert regarding Senate Bill 179 (SB179). Although the intent of the bill was “updating antiquated laws” and “trusting women,” the language of the bill has disturbing consequences. If enacted, SB179 would:

  • Decriminalize providing drugs and tools for home abortions
  • Remove penalty for NON-DOCTORS performing abortions
  • Decriminalize Do-It-Yourself home abortions endangering women
  • Eliminate age verification making child sex-trafficking that much easier in Nevada
  • Eliminate screening for coercion, thereby protecting abusers
  • Eliminate requirement to give women written information concerning abortion procedure in writing, including potential physical and emotional impacts

Take Action.

How You Can Help And Keep Helping.

  1. If you are available, attend the hearing on Wednesday, May 8 at 1:30pm in Room 1214 of the Nevada Legislative Building. Sign in in opposition. You don’t have to speak, but there will be an opportunity to speak if you wish.
  2. Please email the following Nevada Assembly members.

Please send an email to either the whole committee or individually with the simple message “No on SB179 abortion bill.” You can also note that “SB179 is fatally flawed and dangerous to Nevada women. It puts Nevada women at great risk of coercion, child sex abuse and physical and emotional risk.”

Please be short, respectful, and include your name, address and phone number. Put in the Subject Line “Vote NO on SB179, Decriminalizing Criminal Back Alley Abortions” or something similar.

To email individually:

Assm. Leslie Cohen, Chair
Assm. Alexander Assefa
Assm. Richard Carrillo
Assm. Beatrice Duran
Assm. Michelle Gorelow
Assm. Connie Munk
Assm. Rochelle Nguyen

Assm. Greg Hafen
Assm. John Hambrick
Assm. Lisa Krasner
Assm. Robin Titus

1.) Register your opposition to this deadly bill at the legislative poll site.

a. Go to https://www.leg.state.nv.us/App/Opinions/80th2019/.

b. Under the heading “Select a Bill and Enter Your Opinion” go to “Select a Bill” and choose SB179.

c. Leave a message “No on SB179” or some other message. (See background below for ideas). One sentence to one paragraph is fine. Sign with your name, address, and phone number.

2.) Read and share background info noted at the bottom of this email regarding SB175.

3.) Visit Facebook pages – Nevada Right to Life. Like our page and share the posts on SB179 other life issues.