Hawaii one of four pilot programs to increase webcam abortions

By Dave Andrusko

Whenever you read the name Gynuity, know it is a “research and technical assistance” organization specifically devoted to bringing products such as chemical abortions [RU-486]to the world.

And that would often involve what proponents call “telemedicine,” or, if they are more honest, “tele-abortions,” and what critics, such as National Right to Life, have accurately called web-cam abortions.

According to a recent story in Hawaii News Now, Gynuity is funding and overseeing a pilot project in Hawaii to bring webcam abortions to the Aloha State.

Mahealani Richardson tells us Hawaii is one of four pilot projects the FDA is allowing. The objective is to “increase access” to abortion.

The description in Richardson’s story is brief and inaccurate, ending (as most stories do) by describing a chemical abortion as “like inducing a miscarriage definitely stopping the pregnancy and then the second set of pills causing the pregnancy to pass,” as Dr. Ghazaleh Moayedi, of the University of Hawaii, euphemistically described it.

Hardly. Chemical abortions requires two powerful drugs. Mifepristone (or “RU-486”) is typically given at the abortion facility. It blocks progesterone, shutting down the system supplying nutrients to the baby. The second prostaglandin drug, misoprostol, often taken at home, induces severe cramping and bleeding in order to expel the baby’s tiny body. Often the woman experiences almost unbearable pain.

Here’s how a chemical abortion via webcam actually works. To begin with, and most important, the abortionist never sees the woman in person; it’s all done remotely.

The woman visits a small lightly staffed storefront sized clinic and talks with the abortionist over a video link. If he looks at her record and is satisfied with her answers, he clicks a button and releases a drawer holding the pills at her location.

Typically she takes the mifepristone in the office. Under what conditions she takes the prostaglandin depends on how much protection a given state is able to write into law or administrative regulations.

Pro-abortionists want her to be able to take the misoprostol at home or, if she does come back to the office, to be administered by or be in the presence of pretty much anyone in the office (as opposed to requiring the abortionist/doctor).

As Dr. Randall K. O’Bannon, NRL director of education & research, has explained, the latest pro-abortion push is to see if they can convince the FDA to allow women to purchase mifepristone and misoprostol by mail order to use at home. This would leave women without any medical supervision, without any guarantee the drugs are safe, and without any security to stop a third party from purchasing the abortifacients to abort a woman’s pregnancy against her will.