Giving Thanks to God for All of You

By Carol Tobias, President

The Thanksgiving proclamation issued by President Donald Trump begins, “On Thanksgiving Day, as we have for nearly four centuries, Americans give thanks to Almighty God for our abundant blessings. We gather with the people we love to show gratitude for our freedom, for our friends and families, and for the prosperous Nation we call home.”

Further into the document, the President states, “We can see, in the courageous Pilgrims who stood on Plymouth Rock in new land, the intrepidness that lies at the core of our American spirit. Just as the Pilgrims did, today Americans stand strong, willing to fight for their families and their futures, to uphold our values, and to confront any challenge.”

That, of course, is also a wonderful description of the right-to-life movement. We stand strong, willing to fight not just for our families and our futures, but for all families. We especially fight for the future of innocent unborn babies and their mothers, and the elderly, and for those with disabilities imperiled by assisted suicide.

We uphold the values upon which this country was founded—including the inalienable right to life. And we are certainly ready to confront any challenge or obstacle placed before us.

As we take time out of our busy, hectic schedules to spend time with family and friends, and especially as we take time to “give thanks to Almighty God for our abundant blessings,” I want you to know how much I appreciate you; how grateful I am that you have given of yourself, your time and talent and resources, to keep this fight alive.

As President of the largest and most effective single-issue pro-life organization, I firmly believe the days of abortion are numbered. As new people continue to join our movement, as more laws are enacted, as more and more women choose life for their babies, we see abortion facilities closing and abortion becoming what it truly is-a dark, grievous aberration in American history.

Enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday and the coming Christmas season. For people of faith, this is a very special time of year, as we draw hope and encouragement from the Creator of Life who in His infinite love became human like us.

Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. It is an honor and a blessing to work beside you as we seek to restore the unalienable right to life for all human beings, born and unborn.

Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good;

His love endures forever. Psalm 106:1